There is growing demand for African Content.

Streamers like Netflix and Disney+ see Sub-Saharan Africa as an “untapped market” and are investing hundreds of millions in African content to achieve market share.

- The Hollywood Reporter


UNESCO. The African Film Industry: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Growth. UNESCO. 2021

Despite this growth, many African filmmakers are not offered the same revenue from distributors as their western peers.

We are changing this by representing African talent in the American market to ensure filmmakers receive equitable compensation for their work and have access to advanced education programs with international collaborators.

How We Work


We understand it takes a collaborative, humble, and growth-oriented mindset to make smart, socially conscious decisions in a growing industry that provides crucial jobs and resonates with an international diaspora.

Our partnerships with public and private African organizations are what allow us to make intelligent decisions on how to best support the African film industry and its filmmakers.

Our relationships with American and International Investors and Distributors allow us to secure equitable compensation for filmmakers, and put films in front of audiences.

How We Help

  • We support independent Africa-produced media projects that create local jobs and strengthen the local film industry.

  • We use our relationships with government leaders in Africa and America to help Filmmakers navigate the industry locally and internationally.

  • We connect up-and-coming African Filmmakers with our experienced and mentoring Production Partners.

Interested in Learning More? Contact Us.


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